Electronic hardware development and production services

Get electronic hardware development done with our complete range of services

Architecture and Schematics

  • Analogue design – i.e. sensor front ends, DACs, ADCs
  • Microcontroller applications
  • Low power systems
  • Industrial systems
  • Design for EMC

PCB design

  • Multilayer PCB design
  • Rigid and flexible PCBs
  • Fast and high quality production through partners
  • Simulation and design verification
  • Design for EMC

Prototyping and production

  • POC’s and Prototypes
  • Batch production (EMS partner)
  • Industrial design
  • 3D printing

Testing & Certification

  • Hardware functional/non-functional testing
  • Test fixtures for production
  • Failure analysis

Product Example

Road Monitor

Equipped with a STM32 microcontroller,

Bluetooth connection,

Pyrometer and various others sensors,

RoadMonitor provide key parameters for winter viability to be measured in real time.

Final Test Board for ATE

450mm*250mm ATE Interface Board

24 Layers / 1500 components

E2I SnakeVision

Parallel 32bits FIFO to USB3 interface